Now I'd like to talk about the ESP VII camp I attended recently... Because last year's ESP VI made me a consistent believer in Christ but it was not enough, my life was flawed. Well, This year made big changes to me...
Okay, we boarded the bus at 9.00 and stopped at McDonald's Kerteh... A magnet for HG' ites... Then go Kuantan to pick up 14 of the Youth's there... On board, we chit chat and watched Lord Of The Rings: Return of the King until late night, but some of us continued chatting due to inability to sleep, maybe we were way too excited, I slept for like only 45 minutes... But good thing is we arrived at Majodi Center(campsite) at 7.00 in the morning and registration is at 2.00 so we had plenty of time to sleep... After lunch, camp comanden give breifing then tidur again...LOL... That night got worship and sermon by Pastor Victor. As usual Choon Khai, me, Willert and other HG-ites are always the frontline audience... Some more Jeffery need to wear bandana walk around and eat keropok and later dance YMCA song... Sipek kelakar... That night slept quite early...
The next day, morning devotion worship made us wake up soooo early except for my roomate Witton who was a little bit sick and never had enough sleep at the bus... I was introduced into group 4 and we discussed about the sermon from the previous nite than got worship again(the earlier worship's were above average but not as powerful as the 3rd night)... Then Pastor Vic talk about christian marriage and we were to demonstarte one... The bride and groom must be very sui... The groom is Chris and bride is Christina from KT, it was full of LOLs... Then eat lunch, biasalah I eat paling a lot one....MUAHAHAHA... Then we were off to our whorkshops, mine was "Strictly for Boys" where Pastor Jit delivered a powerful message about how to deal with porn and masturbation... Then we had games where we need to burst balloons filled with flour, make a 3 storey human pyramid, act like animals, sing malay songs and look for 4 different insects... WAH, group leader also wasn't there...nvm... Assistant leader still got... That night after the worship and sermon, I and a few other HG'ites go watch the HG's worship practice where Witton introduced a new more elaborate guitar solo for "Hosanna"... FUYOOO... Then back at the room Nelson, Witton, Jason and myself chit chat about SMKSS and CHWS, some of the things they told me were quite shocking...
The next morining I woke up quite late so while bathing I hear the HG band playing... I was like "Cilaka, my gang's session I miss... Malu aku" I skipped breakfast then enetered the hall... CHEH, last minute practice only... Then when real worship all the HG'ites were there to encourage them buy standing at the frontline... Everyone was good but Witton's "Hosanna" solo made him a star... Then was the sermon entitled "Cyber porn" with an all boys audience... Then Pastor Victor mentioned a serial killer called Ted Bundy which became my nickname, don't need to say why.... Then got the 2nd workshop session where Pastor Jit talked mainly on how to stop this insane addiction... Then we spent the whole evening ZZZZZZZZZZZ... The worship of the 3rd night was the one where God really showed his presence... We jumped and praise Jesus as if this was our last day and also there was the joy as if we could jump forever, jumped like crazy... We also knelt onto our knees, some cried, some fell to the ground all of us humble to our Lord... Such a touching and amazing sight to behold... Than Pastor Vic delivered his sermon about "Youth-heroes" that we must impact our schools, friends on the net, home and church... About the school's, Pastor Vic talked about the High School shootings in USA, everyone stared at my bro Jimbo, he's going to USA, Lord protect him... After message, came more praise and worship where we jumped wildly, although we were exhausted, we asked for more... If I was still standing, I will jump and praise God although I will end up coma but Uncle Venu said it was enough... My voice became like old man dy... We went to canteen for supper and chatted with Indran(camp comanden), Witton's big fan who called him SLASH... Then Indran and Jeffery teased each other and the rest laughed and laughed and laughed... We never slept much that night, we chatted and cooked maggi cup noodles at 4am...
The next morning was the last day. We had some mighty praise but also worship songs where we lifted our hands for God... That was it, many of us took pictures and exchanged emails except for me, Jason, Willert and a few other shy guys... We tearfully said goodbye to ESP VII and to Eric OCH who won't be seeing us for quite a while, what an experience it has been...
Okay the journey home was fun, we watched more Lord Of The Rings and chit chat... Until we ran out of things to talk about, Jeffery got bored and took out a guitar and we had an amazing accoustic praise and worship session in the bus... It was simple but only 1 guitar, our voices and our hearts... We worshipped The Lord no matter what, Jeff also threw in some christmas songs... The MAIN worship ended at Kuantan where we said goodbye to the Kuantan youth's... Then I turned on Pirates Of The Carribean 3: At World's End and had some good laughs, dinner at McDonalds at 10 something and we continued a more minor bus worship because Jeffery already tidur... At KT, we were happy to meet our parents but also sad because we hoped encounters with God like this could last forever...
If there's an ESP VIII, let me know... I WILL go there!!!!!
Thak you Lord for ESP VII...