Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Random sketches...

I shot photos of some of the sketches in my notebook... Most of them are sketches of terminator robots...

There are many sketched but only a few I really put effort into them... I first sketched my favourite rock guitarists...

Slash drawing...

Buckethead drawing...

Due to the recent hype of Terminator Salvation, drawing the cyborgs hit my mind. My sketches are always based on the latest movies example when Transformers was out I drew Transformers and during The Dark Knight, I draw lots and lots of Joker and a little bit of Batman...
I drew this last week at school. In a funny way it looked more like Clint Eastwood than Arnold Schwarzenegger...

I went to the ICT room at school for some internet pictures and I drew a rough sketch of a terminator(T-800 from Terminator and Terminator 2: Judgement Day) although it lacks certain details.

This one was done at Chemistry tution at TTT and it was on my chemistry book. This one I designed myself but it was based on the big brutish T-600 terminator from Terminator Salvation. I knew I had to do more....

I went home straight away draw a more accurate and detailed T-600 Terminator. Knowing the previous T-800 I sketched wasn't detailed enough, it got better...

A more detailed T-800 but the lower jaw is too big. I drew a big lower jaw because Arnold Schwarzenegger has a big chin HAHAHA...

Of all terminator drawings, I still can't draw the famous half man half machine face in which half of the face is Arnold Schwhatever... and another half is the robot skull...

It kinda looks like this....

So when Tranformers 2: Revenge of the Fallen comes out, you'll know what to expect... LOL...

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